‘The Witcher: Blood Origin’ Ending Explained

The Witcher Blood Origin

While The Witcher: Blood Origin is set 1200 years before the events of The Witcher, the prequel still leaves many untouched threads that the main series will surely explore in the future. The spinoff prequel tells the story of the Seven, a group of heroes who come together to defeat the Golden Empire and eventually lead to the unification of the kingdoms, so Blood Origins was already used to explain the continent’s wealth during the main series. However, the spin-off also introduced new characters who may return for The Witcher in season 3.

Unfortunately, The Witcher: Blood Origin feels rushed and bloated for trying to fit so many important plot points and main characters into just four episodes. This means it’s okay to be confused when the credits roll and feel like you’ve hidden something in the final scenes of a show. So, let’s break down what happens at the end of The Witcher: Blood Origins and what it means for the future.

The Fall of the Golden Empire -The Witcher: Blood Origin

The Fall of the Golden Empire Sophia Brown

In the penultimate episode of The Witcher: Blood Origins, the Seven achieve their goal of ending the Golden Empire by igniting the flame of revolution in the hearts of the lowly. Tired of being oppressed by the Golden Empire and starving on the streets of Xin’trea, the people wake up after a motivational speech from Éile (Sophia Brown), the Lark. Lowborn’s rebellion allows the Seven to infiltrate the palace, take down Queen Merwyn (Mirren Mack), kill the Queen’s demonic bodyguard, and destroy the central monolith in Xin’trea.

All these events happen in a matter of minutes, but they all have a lasting impact. This is because, because the Seven gave Elfikind a reason to dream of a better world, one of the consequences of destroying the Golden Empire is the arrival of humans on the continent, which will destroy the Elvish population for centuries to come and create will rule the ruins of a golden empire.

The Conjunction of the Spheres

The Conjunction of the Spheres

One of Seven’s goals is to destroy the central monolith High Mage Balor (Lenny Henry) tries to use to draw forbidden power from other dimensions. When seven reaches the capital of the Golden Empire, Balor already controls Chaos magic, making him an enemy that cannot be defeated in direct combat. So Zacaré (Lizzie Annis) uses her binding magic to bind Balor and her brother Syndrill (Zach Wyatt) so they can use Chaos magic and use it against the Monolith. Syndrill gives his life for the cause, but he destroys the giant structure and takes the Balor with him.

What the Seven didn’t expect was the Conjunction of the Spheres. After the monolith is broken, multiple dimensions converge for a brief moment at a single point in space-time. As a result, creatures from different worlds end up on the continent. This is where the monsters of The Witcher universe come in, and their threat leads to the creation of mystical monster hunters.

The combination of realms also brought humans to the continent, a race of war-inspired conquerors who would spread across the land like cancer and threaten Elfkind. The main series still deals with the consequences of the Conjunction of the Spheres, showing how the continent’s non-human warriors join the  Scoia’tael, a group of rebels fighting against human oppression.

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The Death of the First Witcher


Blood Origins also features the creation of the first prototype of the Witcher. Combining their magic and knowledge, celestial siblings Zakre and Cinderella use the heart of an animal found in a different dimension with Fjall (Laurence O’Fuarain), one of the Seven Warriors. Fjall undergoes the painful process of trial of the grass, a ritual where several different elixirs destroy his mind and body. After this, he merged into the heart of the living being and became a demon. Fjall is faster, stronger, and more flexible than any elf, has heightened senses, and ultimately proves uncontrollable.

Jaskier Blood Origin

Jaskier The Witcher Blood Origin

By the end of The Witcher: Blood Origin, Éile and Meldof (Francesca Mills) try to make a peaceful life for themselves, far away from Xin’trea. Éile asks Ithlinne (Ella Schrey-Yeats), a girl who is a powerful seer, to touch her belly and predict her child’s future. Ithlinne prophesied that her bloodline will last for centuries and that a distant descendant of her child will sing the Tale of the Seven for the last time before seeing the end of the continent.

As the series reveals, that descendant is Jaskier (Joey Batey). This is why Jaskier is tasked by the Seanchaí (Minnie Driver) to learn and spread the story of the Seven so that Scoia’tael can face the dangers ahead with hope instead of just anger. We don’t know what is threatening to destroy the continent during the events of The Witcher, but it could be connected to the Wild Hunt and the elves who live in a different dimension.

The Wild Hunt Is Coming

The Wild Hunt Is Coming

In season 2 of The Witcher, we get a glimpse of the show’s version of the Wild Hunt, a group of interloper raiders who kidnap people from other worlds. Blood Origins tells the origin story of Eredin (Jacob Collins-Levy), the leader of the Wild Hunt. In the prequel, Eredin is the High Commander of the Golden Empire. He and his loyal soldiers are trapped in another dimension by Balor, who betrays him in his quest for power. At the end of Blood Origins, we learn that Eredin is wandering the Red Planet, which is very similar to what we saw in season 2 of The Witcher. He also finds a helmet buried in the sand, indicating that this isolated world was once home to other people. Eredin will return to the main series in the near future, perhaps hunting Ciri (Freya Allan) and her elder blood.

Avallac’h Is Watching Ciri

The Witcher Blood Origin Ciri

Another classic character introduced in Blood Origins is Avallac’h (Samuel Blenkin), an elf mage who is an advisor to Empress Merwyn. In the prequel’s end-credits scene, Avallac’h is seen watching Ciri in Sintra long before Geralt of Rivia (Henry Cavill) joins her. The secret to him still looking young after 1200 years is in the final episode of Blood Origins, when Avallac’h reveals that he has discovered a way to travel through time using Syndrill’s study of the monoliths. Avallac’h seeing Ciri means he is interested in his elder’s blood. This could hint at how Season 3 of The Witcher will include new elements from Andrzej Sapkowski’s original books and CD Projekt Red’s beloved video game franchise.

In The Witcher Lore, Avallac’h was supposed to be married to Lara Doreen, before he fell in love with the human Cregennan of Lod. For those who need to refresh their memory, Lara is a native of Elder Blood and a distant relative of Ciri. Additionally, in The Witcher Lore, Avallac’h also serves as a royal advisor in Tir ná Lia, the kingdom of the elves from another dimension. The role sees him cross paths with Ciri on several occasions, sometimes as an enemy, sometimes as a friend. We still don’t know how Netflix will adapt Avallac’h story, but the end-credits scene reveals how important a character he will become in the main series.

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